Contact Me

Terms Of Service
By commissioning me you agree to my Terms of Service
Will Draw
Feral (IE, animals such as Canines, Felines, Birds, etc)
Characters with some mechanical parts
Some Blood/Minor Gore (Bloody scenes, Gashes, etc.)
Suggestive themes (Ask if unsure. These being posed in a certain way or wearing something suggestive without anything being NSFW)
Will NOT draw
NSFW (Nudity, etc)
Extreme Gore (Decapitation, Guts, etc)
Anything Rude, Racist, Discriminating, Etc...
Fan Art and or Copyrighted Characters
Completely Mechanical Characters
Sonic, MLP, FNAF, type of characters
Do not pressure or beg me into drawing anything from my "Will NOT draw" list. The answer will always be a No.
If you are interested in something not listed above, PLEASE ask me first before commissioning me.
General Guidelines
I will not tolerate rude behavior, so all I ask is to please be nice. <3
Please do not ask me to draw in someone else's style. You are commissioning me for my style and not someone else's. You are also commissioning me for my time and skill.
I retain the right to deny a commission if I am not comfortable with a certain subject or if I feel I won't be able to draw a certain subject.
Detailed/Complex characters and scenery will be feed.
I own the rights to the artwork, and you may not sell the artwork or have others alter it without my permission. If you notice a mistake, you MUST tell me, or I will not fix it. Edits after the commission's completion may be feed.
I will NEVER sell prints or merchandise of your commissioned piece.
Save. Your. Art. I don't clean out my account often but if I ever do, I am not responsible for any lost art. You may ask if I still have a copy but if I cannot find it then I am in no way obligated to replace it or refund you. I'm sorry.
DO NOT complain to me or harass me about my prices being high. I price them to what I feel my art is worth and how much time and effort I put into each piece.
When crediting your commission. Please use the correct handles:
Toyhouse: @F0rsak3n-F3ral Furaffinity: @F0rsak3n-F3ral Twitter: @F0rsak3n-F3ral Instagram: @F0rsak3nF3ral
I ONLY accept payments in USD and through Paypal Invoices. No E-checks, DeviantART Points, etc.
Full payment is expected within 48 hours. I can send a sketch for approval before payment, but after the sketch is approved, I will not continue until full payment is given.
I reserve the right to cancel an invoice if I have not been paid within the 48 hour period. I do not wish to wait a week or so without being told or asked if client can pay on a certain date.
Payment plans are available if final price reaches 200 USD and up.
Failure to pay could result in being blacklisted. Please let me know if complications occur.
Timelimits and WIPs
Turn around time for a commission varies depending on the type of commission.
- IE: If you want something small or something without shading, it may take me about 2 to 3 weeks or sooner. Larger commissions with shading and scenery type backgrounds can take much longer, around 2 to 3 months or a bit longer.
All I ask is to please be patient with me.
​If you would like your commission to be done by a certain time, let me know in advance. The deadline must be 3 weeks in advance, so I don't risk rushing your commissions, which would result in a downgrade in quality and or rushed.
You can ask for Work in Progress (WIP) shots at any point during the process. While progress may not always be made, I will keep you up to date on your commissions' status, or you can check my Trello. I usually post updates on clients commissions wherever progress is made.
If I send you a WIP and you notice something is incorrect, or I forgot, you NEED to tell me, or I will not change it. Failing to inform me of errors in your commission is not my fault. Don't be afraid to tell me!
In addition, requesting small changes upon the image's completion will be feed. Major changes will be denied.
Cancellations and Refunds
I retain the right to cancel a commission at any time if I feel I cannot complete it. The client may also cancel their commission at any time, but do know that a refund may not be available depending on commission progress and the time that's past.
Cancelled commissions may have their sketches reused to my liking. IE: YCHs, Personal work, ect.
Full refunds are only given during the sketching stage of the piece. Once the image is lined, a partial refund will be given. Once the image is colored/shaded, a refund will not be given.
Character References
I only accept clear, visual character references. No partials, wips (incomplete references), descriptions or shaded references or pixelated references.
I am not responsible for getting colors/designs wrong if improper references are provided.
Please provide any info that is not present on your references in your commission order. ​IE: mouth detail, paw pad color, nails, etc. ​Or I will choose a color for you.
If your character is too dark for me to tell what the markings are, I may decline to draw them or ask if I may brighten the character colors. It's not out of disrespect, but it makes detailing difficult and quality may be lost. Also, if I forget a marking that I cannot see, I am not at fault.
Some colors I may alter slightly but nothing drastic to where the design is inaccurate (this does not apply for reference sheets.)
​Usage Rights
When your commission is completed, you will be given an unwatermarked version and the watermark version of your piece via email to preserve it's resolution.
Please DO NOT post the Unwatermarked version/file to a public gallery.
You may use the unwatermarked version for private use such as avatars, desktop images, icons, reference to future commissions, and other personal things.
You do not have permission to alter the image in any way or have someone alter the image for you. If you notice a mistake was made, notify me first, and I will fix it the best I can, given that I still have the piece's file on hand.
You may use your piece to advertise yourself/character.
You may not use your piece for profitable commercial use or redistribute it.